VBAC Tips: Increase Your Chances And Your Choices

VBAC Tips: How to Increase Your Chances and Your Choices

Giving birth is beautiful, miraculous, and at times, unpredictable and disheartening. In the words of my previous OBGYN, speaking of my first birth “you had the worst experience with the best outcome.” Healthy baby, but taken via emergency C-section after a tumultuous labor and while mommy was unconscious. With my next birth just weeks away I thought I would share my last VBAC experience with other moms who may be looking for ways to increase their choices and their chances of having a VBAC birth. You can read more about my first traumatic birth here.


Before my incision had even healed, I began researching “VBAC” everything. I literally read every tip, every statistic, and every blogger’s personal VBAC account. With each successful VBAC story I read,  I was given another dose of hope that my next birth could be different. Maybe next time I can hold him as soon as he enters the world, and clearly see his sweet face, without the haze of anesthesia. Maybe I can walk within the first two days and get a shower by myself. And maybe, just maybe, I won’t have to be drugged for weeks because of a painful recovery. I promised myself that if I was able to have a VBAC for my second birth, I too would pay it forward and write about my experience for another mom whose first birth didn’t go according to plan and who wants another story for her second. So here goes…

Where you birth and who you have by your side are two very important decisions to make before the birth. Due to a high-risk pregnancy and our little guy being growth restricted we chose a hospital birth (St. Vincent’s South in Jacksonville) and a practice with multiple midwives and an OB who was known for being VBAC friendly (Full Circle Women’s Care). You want to know that your nurses, midwives, OB’s etc.., are on your side AND have a history of supporting safe, VBAC deliveries. Don’t be afraid to ask for their VBAC statistics. Research local hospitals too. Some wont allow VBACs at all, some place limits on the Dr.’s who work there. You don’t want to wait until it’s too late to find out that your hospital will limit your VBAC choices.


Take A Class

My first birth I had more of a “wing it” mentality. This time around I knew I wanted a drug-free, completely mobile birth. So I knew I would need some form of natural pain management. My husband and I took a Hypno-birthing class that focused on keeping your mind and body calm by using certain relaxation and breathing techniques. We also gained a great deal of knowledge concerning the natural processes of labor and the amazing capability of a woman’s body.

What helped me the most during labor was counting, rocking, and using breathing techniques during contractions. Example: breathe in deeply for 4 seconds and breathe out slowly for 8. I still use this technique when I’m in traffic or dealing with a tantruming toddler–works like a charm. I knew I had to keep my mind busy so I wouldn’t just focus on the pain. I may have looked like a crazy person rocking and counting, but you do whatever feels right to you at the time.

Another bonus of not having an epidural is that you can switch positions. I actually ended up delivering our baby in a squatting position because it was the most comfortable one to be in during contractions. I hate squats, go figure. P.S. while squatting can be a great way to open the pelvis it can also increase your chances of tearing if you push too quickly. So take it from me and go slow.

VBAC Tips: How To Increase Your Chances and Your Choices

Get A Doula

I knew if I was going to try the all natural route, I wanted someone specifically there to help me with the pain. Blessed be all doulas! They are there for YOU- so when you’re getting shots and stitches and everyone else leaves you to peek at the new baby, she stays and lets you squeeze her hand (thanks Meg!). Or maybe, like me, you hit a mental wall when baby starts to crown (perfect timing) and you need someone to remind you how badly you wanted this and how close you are to achieving it. They are also wonderful at being your advocate for your birth plan choices and decisions you may not feel like discussing when in the middle of a contraction.

Keep A Balanced Mindset

I titled this post “VBAC Tips: How to Increase Your Chances and Your Choices” on purpose because there is no magic formula, no perfect book, and no amount of squats that can ensure a VBAC delivery. You can make all the right choices but when labor starts, anything can happen. While I was very determined to do everything I could to increase my chances for a VBAC, I also kept reminding myself that there were no guarantees and a safe delivery was my highest priority. I wanted to go into this birth with a realistic mindset so I wouldn’t be emotionally blindsided by another birth that didn’t follow my plan. Sometimes doing what’s best for your baby, means letting go of something you want. Hello motherhood! Your birth will affect you, bit it doesn’t define you or your bond with your baby.

VBAC Tips: How To Increase Your Chances and Your Choices

VBAC Success! Oh Happy Day

So as you can see, I got to hold my sweet baby as soon as he entered this world. I was actually able to be the one to bring him from my body, and place him on my chest. No drugs were blurring my vision or my emotional state this time around. I clearly saw every sweet little detail. I was even able to take a shower within an hour of giving birth! It was amazing! Although I still had some recovery pain (it’s still labor) it was nothing in comparison to my first birth. I left that hospital in a state of bliss and ever so thankful to have been able to have a VBAC!

If you are reading this in the hopes of having a VBAC, I pray you get that chance. Thankfully, more and more hospitals and Doctors are starting to support safe VBACs and the moms who want them. Regardless of how you give birth, remember the end goal- a safe, happy baby, and that your body and your sacrifice to carry a child for 9 months and bring them into the world is a beautiful thing. Much love mamas!