Why I Started Blogging- And Tips For Starting Your Own Blog

How To Start A Blog

March: A Month of Celebrations

Guys, this month has been a big one. I turned 29, we are moving, and my blog turned a year old! So I thought I’d share a bit about why I blog, and some beginning steps for those looking to start blogging and influencing for brands.

Why I Started Blogging

I remember the moment I decided to start sharing my life and style with….well, anyone with an internet connection. I was nursing/rocking my newborn in somewhat of a sad, stir crazy kind of mood. You see, I had just had baby #2, I was living in a new town, and I just needed something. After having baby #1 I decided to go back to school and finish my bachelor’s degree. When things settled down and we had added another bundle of joy, I found myself wanting to do more. Something for me. I needed a creative outlet, a way to challenge myself, share something helpful with others, and maybe even contribute financially to my family.

I was scrolling through Pinterest for probably the millionth time (as so many nursing mamas do), and it hit me. I could do this. I could share recipes, take photos of my latest DIY project, write about where I travel, and share my latest budget-friendly fashion find. I took a minute to think realistically about my resources. I had a couple hours a day during naps and at night. I had a laptop, and I had a decent camera. That was it. The bare necessities of blogging: Time, Computer, Camera, and a Desire to share something I love with others.

Then the hard part started. The “putting yourself out there part”. For someone who is naturally an introvert, putting my work online and on display for all to see wasn’t exactly easy. But if you’re going to blog, you have to get past that. Sometimes you have to just be ok with looking silly to some people for the sake of doing what you love.

Tips For Starting a Lifestyle BLog

How I Started Blogging

Pick a topic- or a few

First things first, Figure out what you already do and love, and then find a way to share it that will benefit others. For me that meant more of a lifestyle blog that encompasses a lot: food, fashion, travel, babies… I love it all and wanted to share it all. It’s really important to find your “why” first. Why do you want to start a blog? What do you love and have a passion for doing? Is it just for self-expression or something more?  I fully believe in blogging for the mere enjoyment or using it as just a creative outlet, but if your goal is to use it as a way to make income, you need to find a way to offer your followers something helpful. That could be as simple as making them laugh, giving them a new recipe to try, helping them find deals on clothes, etc…

For me personally, I knew I wanted to connect with women and moms in their everyday life and find ways to make their lives easier. From tips on where to stay when traveling, where to find a great dress on a budget, or how to DIY a Christmas Wreath and save money for presents. It was all about connecting, creating, sharing, and helping in whatever way I could.

Work on Your Skills

I had taken a few art classes and writing classes in college, but there was definitely room for improvement. Google a bit, find a few bloggers or influencers you like and learn from them. I spent quite a bit of time learning more about camera settings, flatlays, and following bloggers who shared a similar style and were doing well.

Tips For Starting A Lifestyle Blog

Share Share Share

If your goal is to get free products or get paid for influencing you have to build a following and share products well on various media channels (not just on your blog). My main one that I started with was Instagram. This probably means sharing things you already have and love in a creative way. Companies want proof that you can share products well- And don’t forget the hashtags! Don’t just think about describing the image in hashtags, think about where your audience (desired audience) is looking and use those too.

After a while of sharing my personal products via blog, Instagram, and Facebook, I started getting emails from companies wanting me to share their products. It takes time, but if your audience is growing and you have good content, it will happen.

Reach Out

Not every company you want will come to you- or even knows about you. Once you feel like your previous work is a good representation of your abilities, feel free to reach out to companies you love. You wont get a yes every time, but you will get a lot more than the person who never asks!

Stay True To You

The bigger you get the more likely that something will come your way that doesn’t fit your brand or style. My advice is to stay away from that- even if it’s a paid sponsorship. Your followers are there because they like what you already do, if it’s not your style or it’s not a product you like, just say no and save that creative juice for a product that fits.

She Believed She Could So She Did

I can honestly say that after a year has passed, I’m so happy that I stepped out of my comfort zone and started blogging. It’s a great outlet for me, and slowly but surely has become the best way for me to work from home on my terms and contribute financially to my family. So many doors have opened in just a year. I’ve worked with companies that I never thought I would have, and I’m so excited about what’s to come! It takes work and dedication, and it takes being ok with the fact that not everyone will like what you do- don’t do it for them, do it for you.

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