Gifts For Good: Rethreaded Gift Guide

Gifts For Good


Tis the season of gift giving. No doubt many of you invest a lot of time and energy into picking that perfect gift for your loved ones. But do you ever stop to think about what your money will be supporting? Or what the working conditions are like for those who made your gift? I will admit that I’m guilty of mindless consumerism. But this year I took the Rethreaded Challenge to shop with purpose.

Rethreaded is a local organization (Jacksonville, Fl) that aims to provide safe and viable work to those affected by the sex trade, here and around the world. If you think you’ll have to sacrifice style to support a good cause, think again. Check out these pieces I recently purchased online. My favorite part of these pieces is the tag attached with the name of the person who handmade each one of a kind piece. It gives a sense of relationship between you and the person you are helping, and it reaffirms that these gifts are more than your average purchase. These are purchases with purpose. Click here for their gift guide where you can find these pieces and more. And Bonus: use the code “VINTAGEGRACE” and get 20% off your purchase!

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